Firebase Genkit Integration

The typical workflow when it comes to creating powerful chat services with QvikChat is to setup genkit, define the chat endpoints, and then run the server.

Given that QvikChat is built on top of Firebase Genkit (opens in a new tab), you can easily extend the functionality of QvikChat using any of the Genkit plugins. For example, you may want to add the Ollama plugin (opens in a new tab) to use a self-hosted open-source LLM model.

Setup Genkit

You can use the setupGenkit method to setup Genkit with QvikChat. This method takes in a configuration object with the following properties. All properties are optional.

  • plugins: An array of Genkit plugins to use with QvikChat.
  • traceStore: The trace store to use with Genkit.
  • flowStateStore: The flow state store to use with Genkit.
  • enableTracingAndMetrics: A boolean value to enable tracing and metrics.
  • logLevel: The log level to use with Genkit (error, warn, info, debug).
  • promptDir: The directory to use for prompts.
  • telemetry: Telemetry options to use with Genkit.
  • defaultModel: The default LLM model to use with Genkit.
  • firebaseConfig: Configurations for configuring the Firebase plugin for Genkit (opens in a new tab).


Let's consider an example where we want to setup Genkit with QvikChat using the Ollama plugin (opens in a new tab).

Install the Plugin

First, we need to install the plugin we want to use.

npm i --save genkitx-ollama


Ollama can be used to run an open-source large language model (LLM) on your own machine. However, to be able to do this, you will first need to install and run the Ollama server. You can download Ollama from here (opens in a new tab).

Once you have Ollama downloaded and installed, you can use the Ollama CLI to download the model you want to use. For example, to download the llama3 model, you can run the following command.

ollama download llama3

Setup Genkit

Now that we have the plugin installed and the model downloaded, we can setup Genkit with QvikChat.

import { setupGenkit } from "@oconva/qvikchat/genkit";
import { ollama } from "genkitx-ollama";
// setup Genkit with Ollama plugin
  plugins: [
      models: [
          name: "llama3", // model name
      serverAddress: "", // address and port of the Ollama server