Open-ended Chat

Open-ended Chat

Unrestricted chat with no restrictions on what topic the user queries can be related to, quite similar to OpenAI's ChatGPT or Google's Gemini front-ends.

You can define an open-ended chat endpoint with various features such as chat history, response caching, and API key authentication, by simply modifying the configurations provided to the defineChatEndpoint function. To use this, first import the method as following:

import { defineChatEndpoint } from "@oconva/qvikchat/endpoints";

Below are some of the open-ended chat endpoints you can define.

Open Chat

Unrestricted chat with no additional features enabled.


Below is an example of how you can define an open-ended chat endpoint.

Simply, pass the endpoint to the defineChatEndpoint function to define an open-ended chat endpoint.

// Open-ended chat endpoint
  endpoint: "chat-open",

Input Schema

Expects an object with the following properties:

  • query: User query to chat agent.

      "query": "string"

Output Schema

Returns an object with the following properties, depending on the success or failure of the request.

For successful requests, the object will contain:

  • response: Response to the user query, returned as a string by default.

      "response": "string"

For failed requests, the object will contain:

  • error: Error message returned by the server.

      "error": "string"


Can use commands below to test the endpoint defined in the example above.

Depending on the model being used, you may notice that the LLM will hallucinate the answer to the second question. This is because we aren't providing the context in which we are asking the question and because there is no conversation history to refer to.

By default, QvikChat uses system prompts that help reduce LLM hallucinations, therefore, you may observe that for the second question, LLM model may clarify and ask for more information, inside of making up an answer by assuming what you mean by "it".

curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d '{"data": { "query": "Answer in one sentence: What is Firebase Firestore?" } }'
curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d '{"data": { "query": "Can it be used for authentication?" } }'

Genkit Developer UI

You could also start the Genkit Developer UI to test above:

npx genkit start

Endpoint to test: chat-open

Open Chat with History

Unresticted chat with chat history support.


Below is an example of how you can define an open-ended chat endpoint that supports chat history. Simply, set the enableChatHistory flag to true and provide an a chat history store. For testing, you may use the in-memory chat history store.

import { InMemoryChatHistoryStore } from "@oconva/qvikchat/history";
// Open-ended chat endpoint with support for chat history
  endpoint: "chat-open-history",
  enableChatHistory: true,
  chatHistoryStore: new InMemoryChatHistoryStore(),

Input Schema

Expects an object with the following properties:

  • query: User query to chat agent.

  • chatId: Optional chat ID to continue the chat history. If not provided, a new chat history will be created, and the chat ID for this chat history will be returned with the response. This chat ID can be sent in further requests to continue a specific conversation. If the provided chat ID is not valid or not found, as error is returned.

      "query": "string",
      "chatId": "string"

Output Schema

Returns an object with the following properties, depending on the success or failure of the request.

For successful requests, the object will contain:

  • response: Chat agent response to the user query, returned as a string by default.

  • chatId: Chat ID for the current chat history. This can be used to continue the chat history in further requests.

      "response": "string",
      "chatId": "string"

For failed requests, the object will contain:

  • error: Error message returned by the server.

      "error": "string"


Can use commands below to test the endpoint defined in the example above.

On running the first example, you should receive an object as a response with the chat ID for the chat history. Add this chat ID to the second example to continue the chat history.

curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d '{"data": { "query": "Answer in one sentence: What is Firebase Firestore?" } }'
curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d '{"data": {"query": "Can it be used for authentication?", "chatId": "<enter chat id here>"} }'

Genkit Developer UI

You could also start the Genkit Developer UI to test above:

npx genkit start

Endpoint to test: chat-open-history

Open Chat with Chat History, Caching, and Authentication

Unrestricted chat with chat history support, response caching, and API key authentication.


Below is an example of how you can define an open-ended chat endpoint that supports chat history, response caching, and API key authentication. Simply, set the enableChatHistory, enableAuth, and enableCache flags to true and provide a chat history store, an API key store and cache store. For testing, you may use the in-memory stores.

Below example is for testing purposes only. In production, you should use a secure API key store and cache store (e.g. FirestoreAPIKeyStore, FirestoreChatHistoryStore, etc.).

// Initialize API key store
const testAPIKeyStore = new InMemoryAPIKeyStore();
// add a test API key
const key = "test-api-key";
testAPIKeyStore.addKey(key, {
  uid: "test-user",
  status: "active",
  endpoints: "all", // allow access to all endpoints
// Open-ended chat endpoint with support for chat history, authentication, and caching
  endpoint: "chat-open-history-auth-cached",
  enableChatHistory: true,
  chatHistoryStore: new InMemoryChatHistoryStore(),
  enableAuth: true,
  apiKeyStore: testAPIKeyStore,
  enableCache: true,
  cacheStore: new InMemoryCacheStore(),

Input Schema

Request header requires an API key for authentication:

  • key: API key for authentication. The API key must be owned by the user making the request, and should have authorization to access the chat endpoint.

Expects an object with the following properties:

  • query: User query to chat agent.

  • uid: User ID of the user making the query. Required to assess if user is authorized to access the chat endpoint. The API key provided in headers must be owned by this user.

  • chatId: Optional chat ID to continue the chat history. If not provided, a new chat history will be created, and the chat ID for this chat history will be returned with the response. This chat ID can be sent in further requests to continue a specific conversation. If the provided chat ID is not valid or not found, as error is returned.

      "query": "string",
      "uid": "string",
      "chatId": "string"

Output Schema

Returns an object with the following properties, depending on the success or failure of the request.

For successful requests, the object will contain:

  • response: Chat agent response to the user query, returned as a string by default.

  • chatId: Chat ID for the current chat history. This can be used to continue the chat history in further requests.

      "response": "string",
      "chatId": "string"

For failed requests, the object will contain:

  • error: Error message returned by the server.

      "error": "string"


Can use commands below to test the endpoint defined in the example above.

On running the first example, you should receive an object as a response with the chat ID for the chat history. Add this chat ID to the second example to continue the chat history.

curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: test-api-key" -d '{"data": { "query": "Answer in one sentence: What is Firebase Firestore?", "uid": "test-user" } }'
curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: test-api-key" -d '{"data": {"query": "Can it be used for authentication?", "uid": "test-user", "chatId": "<enter chat id here>"} }'

Genkit Developer UI

You could also start the Genkit Developer UI to test above:

npx genkit start

Endpoint to test: chat-open-history-auth-cached


As you can see from above, its quite easy to turn features on and off. For all chat endpoint configurations, please check Chat Endpoint Configurations.