Testing Endpoints

Testing Chat Endpoints

Once you have defined your chat endpoints, you can send queries to them through the Genkit Developer UI or by running your own server.

Running Your Own Server

Once, you have the server running, you can send queries to your chat endpoints using a tool like curl or Postman.

For an example, check Getting Started - Usage

Genkit Developer UI

You could also start the Genkit Developer UI instead of running your own server for testing, using the following command:

genkit start

OR (if you haven't installed Genkit CLI globally)

npx genkit start

For more information on how to install the Firebase Genkit CLI, please check the Genkit CLI documentation (opens in a new tab).

Once you have the Genkit Developer UI loaded in your browser, you should be able to see your defined chat endpoints under the Flows section in the left sidebar. Simply click on the endpoint you want to test and enter the query you want to test with. Clicking the Run button will send the query to the endpoint and the response generation process will start.

The below image shows a sample of the Genkit Developer UI: