

Out of the box, QvikChat provides a simple, yet efficient, API key based authentication system. This system is designed to be easy to use and secure. It is based on the concept of API keys, which are unique secret keys that are used to authenticate requests to the API.

Core Concepts

  • Enable Authentication: To enable authentication, you need to set the enableAuth option to true when configuring the chat endpoint.
  • API Key Record: Each API key record has several properties, including the secret key, the user ID who owns the key, key's status (active or inactive), and list of endpoints it provides access to (helps to control access at granular level).
  • API Key Store: The API key store is a collection of API key records. It is used to manage API keys, including creating, updating, deleting, and querying keys.

Anytime a request is received at an endpoint that requires authentication, the API key is validated against the API key store. If the key is valid, the request is processed; otherwise, an error is returned.

Enable Authentication

To enable authentication, set the enableAuth option to true when configuring the chat endpoint, and provide an API key store instance.

Firestore API Key Store

For example, the following code snippet demonstrates how to enable authentication using a Firestore API key store. To do this, you need to provide the Firestore API key store as the apiKeyStore to the endpoint configurations.

When creating an instance of the FirestoreAPIKeyStore class, you need to provide the following options:

  • firebaseApp: The Firebase app instance.
  • collectionName: The name of the collection that will store the API keys.

The collection storing the API keys should contain records that follow the structure of the APIKeyRecord interface. For more information, check API Key Store Interface.

import { getFirebaseApp } from "@oconva/qvikchat/firebase";
import { FirestoreAPIKeyStore } from "@oconva/qvikchat/auth";
import { defineChatEndpoint } from "@oconva/qvikchat/endpoints";
// Initialize Firebase App
const firebaseApp = getFirebaseApp();
// Firestore API Key store
const firestoreCacheStore = new FirestoreAPIKeyStore({
  collectionName: "api-keys", // collection where API keys are stored
// Chat Endpoint with Firestore API Key store
  endpoint: "chat",
  enableAuth: true,
  apiKeyStore: firestoreCacheStore,

Remember to initialize the Firebase app before using FirestoreAPIKeyStore. To learn more about initializing the Firebase app, check Initialize Firebase App

In-Memory API Key Store

You can also use an in-memory API key store to manage API keys. This is useful for testing and development purposes. The following code snippet demonstrates how to create an in-memory API key store:

import { InMemoryAPIKeyStore } from "@oconva/qvikchat/auth";
import { defineChatEndpoint } from "@oconva/qvikchat/endpoints";
// Create an in-memory API Key store
const inMemoryAPIKeyStore = new InMemoryAPIKeyStore();
// Add an API Key to the store
// Use this API Key and user-id for testing
  "13BtC3sW8LJsi0emWjymnOrWpZI7CmfJ9aT6KliFgjk=", // test API Key
    uid: "test-user", // test user id
    status: "active",
    endpoints: "all", // allow access to all endpoints
// Chat Endpoint with in-memory API Key store
  endpoint: "chat",
  enableAuth: true,
  apiKeyStore: inMemoryAPIKeyStore,

API Key Store

The API key store is a collection of API key records. It is used to manage API keys, including creating, updating, deleting, and querying keys.

You can implement your own API Key Store by implementing the APIKeyStore interface. The following code snippet demonstrates how to create a custom API key store:

import { APIKeyStore } from "@oconva/qvikchat/auth";
export class CustomAPIKeyStore implements APIKeyStore {
  // Implement the APIKeyStore interface

API Key Store Interface

Below given code gives you an idea of the APIKeyRecord and APIKeyStore interfaces. Actual implementation may vary depending on the version of QvikChat you are using.

API Key Record Type

 * Represents a record of an API key.
export type APIKeyRecord = {
   * The number of requests made using the API key.
  requests: number;
   * The maximum number of requests allowed for the API key.
  requestsLimit?: number;
   * The date when the API key was last used.
  lastUsed: Date;
   * The status of the API key.
  status: APIKeyStatus;
   * The endpoints accessible by the API key.
  endpoints: APIKeyEndpoints;
   * The unique identifier of the API key.
  uid: string;

API Key Store Interface

 * Represents an API key store.
export interface APIKeyStore {
   * Map containing all API keys.
  keys: APIKeyCollection;
   * Verifies if the given API key exists and its status is active.
   * @param key - The API key to verify.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the API key is valid.
  verifyAPIKey: (key: APIKey) => Promise<boolean>;
   * Adds a new API key record.
   * @param key - The API key to add.
   * @param config - The configuration for the new API key record.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the API key was successfully added.
  addKey: (key: APIKey, config: NewAPIKeyRecord) => Promise<boolean>;
   * Updates an existing API key record.
   * @param key - The API key to update.
   * @param status - The new status for the API key.
   * @param endpoints - The new endpoints for the API key.
   * @param requests - The new number of requests for the API key.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the API key was successfully updated.
  updateKey: ({
  }: {
    key: APIKey;
    status?: APIKeyStatus;
    endpoints?: string[] | "all";
    requests?: number;
  }) => Promise<boolean>;
   * Gets a specific API key record.
   * @param key - The API key to retrieve.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to the API key record, or undefined if the API key does not exist.
  getKey: (key: APIKey) => Promise<APIKeyRecord | undefined>;
   * Deletes an API key record.
   * @param key - The API key to delete.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the API key was successfully deleted.
  deleteKey: (key: APIKey) => Promise<boolean>;
   * Increments the requests count for an API key.
   * @param key - The API key to increment the requests count for.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the requests count was successfully incremented.
  incrementRequests: (key: APIKey) => Promise<boolean>;